Thursday, November 6, 2014


hi guys , today i would like to share about interesting place in kelantan . 
its also known as cultural state . it is becaus of they still not extinction their cultural . 
so , it makes kelantan is the one of tourist come here . 

first of all i would like to share about pasar siti kahdijah .
it .is one of the most attraction in kealantan that all of the tourist come and see about the pasar .
they call therepasar siti khadijah because of all the seller inside there is woman .

the second intersting place is wakaf  che yeh . wakaf che yeh is one of the famous shopping place in kelantan.
but the different of  this shopping place is they open night only . untill 3 a.m . all of the tourist come here to shopping it is world of shopping  to all people that crazy to shopping such as girls ,
here  i got some picture of wakaf che yeh

and if u come to kelantan dont forget to visit their  museum . they have many museum.
all of the musuem have their own history
here some picture of museum in kelantan





acctually they have many musuem .here i got some picture of the beaches of kelantan

as you know kelantan is the cultural state . the most popular in kelantan is their dikir barat , wau , gasing , and batik .
they known as cultural state because of they still have all this traditional things untill now .
and here some of picture in kelantan ..
and i will end my blog with thank you and assallamualaikum .
i hope u all will enjoy and visit all this place thati have show to you ,

thank you

written by : baem

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