Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Pulau Pinang Trip

Pada 3bulan yang lepas, saya dan keluarga saya pergi bercuti ke pulau pinang.Kami sekeluarga bertolak daripada kelantan ke pulau pinang dengan menaiki kereta SUV.Perjalanan kami mengambil masa selama 7jam. Tempat penginapan kami di Hotel Grand Continental.

Tempat penginapan kami ketika berada di pulau pinang

Selepas kami berehat seketika, kami sekeluarga keluar untuk mencari makanan. Kami singgah ke makan nasi kandar line clear.

Nasi kandar line clear sangat terkenal di pulau pinang

Selepas makan, kami sekeluarga pergi jalan-jalan di sekitar pulau pinang. Tempat-tempat yang kami lawati ialah:

Tokong ular

Rumah kelahiran P.Ramlee

Taman rama-rama..terdapat pelbagai jenis rama-rama daripada seluruh dunia.

Taman negara..di dalam taman negara terdapat pelbagai haiwan liar dan pelbagai flora dan fauna.

Muzium dan balai seni lukis..terdapat pelbagai lukisan daripada pelukis terkenal.

Bukit bendera..kami sekeluarga menaiki kereta kabel untuk sampai ke atas puncak bukit bendera.

Terengganu Trip

Seterusnya kami melancong ke Terengganu. Kami mengambil masa untuk sampai ke sana selama 3jam.

Setelah sampai kami meletakkan kereta untuk menaiki bot.

Kami berada di tasik kenyir. Tasik kenyir merupakan tasik yang tercantik di Terengganu.

Pulau Redang Trip

Kami ke pulau redang menaiki feri di jeti yang tersedia. Perjalanan kami mengambil masa selama 2jam 30minit sebelum smpai ke pulau redang.

Setelah sampai di pulau redang

Kami telah menginap di Laguna Redang Island Resort

Kami beristirehat di lobi resort sebelum memulakan aktiviti.

Salah satu aktiviti yang kami buat ialah snorkelling.

Aktiviti seterusnya ialah bersantai di tepi pantai sambil melihat matahari terbenam.

Aktiviti yang kami lakukan pada malam hari. Bermain pool.

Kami menunggu feri untuk pulang ke rumah.

Port Dickson Trip

Kami berjalan-jalan ke Port Dickson.

Saya ke muzium tentera darat. Di belakang saya terdapat kereta perisai yang digunakan oleh tentera darat.

Berjumpa dengan selebriti tempatan yang mana ikut serta dalam program yang dibuat oleh tentera darat.

Aktiviti seterusnya ialah menjamu selera di restoran makanan laut di teluk biru, Port Dickson.

Kuala Lumpur Trip

Kami ke kuala lumpur dan kami menginap di hotel seri Malaysia. Disana kami membuat pelbagai aktiviti. Salah satunya ialah mandi di kolam renang.

Membuat aksi aekrobatik.

Disana juga, kami bersantai dan merehatkan minda.

perhentian island . awesome !!

salam , terima kasih kerana berminat untuk mendengar cerita yang ingin kami ceritakan berdasarkan pengalaman kami . 
kali ini saya akan bercerita mengenai pecutian 3 hari 2 malam saya di pulau perhentian .

pulau perhentian terletak di terengganu dan ia nya salah sebuah tarikan pelancng . kebanyakan pelancong gemar untuk ke pulau ini kerana keunikan alam semulajadinya dan airnya yang jernih . saya juga tidak melepskan peluang untuk ke pulau ini . pulau perhentian terbahagi kepada dua iaitu perhentian kecil dan besar di sini saya sertakan peta utk anda semua tgk . 

kitorang dah decide nk pegi kt pehentian besar . sbb kebanyakan chalet or hotel kt situ penuh ,almaklum la kn pegi time cuti sekolah . mmg pack laa kn . sebelum pegi kitrang survey chalet dulu , takt sampai sane nnti tk dpt pulak dduk hotel tk pasal2 tid kt jeti je . 

kitorang dpat chalet kt new cocohut chalet kt perhentian besar . siap package . harga 350 1 malam mahal jugak la . biase laa kn name pun pulau . tp untung nye dapat siap package . tu pun kitrang nk save bajet msing2 bwk toto . behimpit laa tido dalam chalet tu mane tk nye dduk 6 org 1 chalet . ni kt bawah ada gambar chalet kitorng . hehehe

kitorang smpai kt jeti kuala besut pkol 3.45 nsib sempat sbb last speed boat pkol 4 . smpai je kt sane tros check in . pastu masing2 penat rehat dulu . tk larat nk mandi pantai sume . 
mlm tu ktorang mkn kt kdai situ , mahal tu .. nasi goreng kampung 6 rggt , milo ais 4 rgt . hahaha. nk wt mcm mne kt pulau . lapar kn tpkse laa . lagipun sume student kn . hahaha

hari kedua di pulau perhentian , pagi2 kitorang da bangun breakfast free yg tmsuk dlm package , pastu kitorang pegi tgk penyu , snoorkelling laa ape lagi kn. kt sane best kot . dpt tgk penyu dkat2 . hahaha 
ni laa gamba penyu yg bole tgk dri dkat bole pgg lagi tu . 

lpas gy tgk penyu kitorang pegi tgk coral . cantik tmpt tu . rugi kalau tk pegi . 
mmg best sgt2 dpt tgk pgg dkat2 . tp gmba tk amek pun .tkpe mesti ade dlm google . 
hahaha .
ni haa .

abes je gy snorkelling kitorang balik ke chalet . masing2 lapar kot time tu . nk wt mcm mne kn . nk save duet beli roti gardenia 3 buku dgn sardin n kaya maggi. bukn tk biasa kn da biasa kt umah sewa mcm ni . 
hahahah :D 
petang tu kitorng mandi manda kt pantai . ikan bole dtg dkat2 ktorang . da laa air jernih best je mandi . ble main gurau2 dgn ikan . hahaha

haa . tu ikan .. Yg best tu kitorang pny chalet dkat je ngn jeti taman laut . 

kitorang mandi2 panjat jeti tu pastu terjun , mmg have fun gile laa . ptg tu mmg penat . balik bilik ktorang mandi2 rhat jap . 
mlm tu ktrang makan bbq set kt situ kn dpt package . dinner tp utk 3 org yg laen tggu kt tepi pantai ktorg amek kn . 

tp mmg best lepak2 main gitar . wlaupun siang tadi penat . 
tp tk trase sbb mmg seronok .

last day , ktorang kt sni pagi tu g pantai lagi . abes mandi manda ktorang breakfast pastu checkout pkol 12 . 
mmg best kt pulau perhentian . rase nk dduk smggu je . 
nk pegi sume tmpat . 
mmg tk rugi klau korang nk pegi sini . 
hahaha .
hpefully krang enjoy cite nie , 
bye :DD

done by : baem :)

Travel to Pulau Pinang

One more!!! I just want to share my awesome trip again. This time i went to Pulau Pinang.

For the first time my family and i went to Pulau Pinang to visit our relatives. Incidentally, at that time Festival Pesta Penang was held there. I am very excited at that time and can not wait to arrive at Pulau Pinang. We take off at 9:00 a.m. in the morning and arrived at 5:00 at the evening. We take a rest a while at our relatives' house because of we all are tired. After that, our relatives took us to the best place to eat at Pulau Pinang.

 We ordered a lot of food because all of my relative and my family was hungry at that time.So may juices and foods on our table. After we done with our feast, we find a beautiful place to take some pictures for our memory as we already arrived at Pulau Pinang.

 At 9:00 p.m. we went to the Festival Pulau Pinang to see what are the festival have there. After we arrived at that festival,we have to buy tickets to entering the festival. 

After that we enter that festival and i was shocked because it was so big and crowded with so many people in that festival. I can see a lot of people in front of me and it is quite hard for me to walking in there. After that, i saw so many stalls that sell so many cheap things and i saw a very beautiful branded shoe. Then i ask my mom a permission to buy that shoe. And you know what , my mom give me a chance to buy that shoe.i was so happy at that time and buy that shoe.
This is the picture of the shoe that i buy from there.

Then, we walking in that festival and see so many games to play in there such as roller coaster,the haunted house and many more.

I snap a picture of my parents as a memory for them and me.

 After that, my brother and i walking and entering the hall which is the singing show is held there.There were so many beautiful and cute singer in that hall. Then, one of the singer pull one of the audience and ask her to dance and all the audience were cheering for that sporting girl. 

Then, we saw Najwa Latiff on the stage. We were very excited to hear she singing. All people in that hall cheer after saw she is standing on the stage.

After that, we all took our way back home tiredly. I hope that me and my family can go to that beautiful place one more time and snap a beautiful memory with my family.

Trip to Tambun

Here it is!! I want to throwback my trip to the Lost World Of Tambun Waterpark at Perak Darul Ridzuan.

That was my first time i went to the awesome waterpark at Perak. I went there with my friends and schoolmates and also my teachers. I did not remember what date that i go but i just remember the year. We went there on 2012 and that is the biggest trip that my school ever held. Before we went to the awesome waterpark, we went to Cameron Highland and sleep there for one night at Heritage Hotel Greenhill Resort.
I think that it was one of the best hotel in Cameron Highland. 

 The next day we took off to the awesome waterpark at 9:00 a.m. in the morning and arrived around 2:00 p.m. in the afternoon. My friends and i were very excited to take a shower and play around in that waterpark.

 We fastly change our shirt and entering the waterpark. The first pupil that jumped in the first pool at the entrance of that waterpark is me. I was so excited to play around at that waterpark. There are so much things that can be play at that water park such as water slide, walking around the water park with the buoys and many more. The awesome thing is when my friend and i walking in the the ancient cave. We saw a lot of ancient things there.

 After shower and play around we went to the cafe and eat a delicious ice-cream. It was a very sweet moment for my friends and i.

 After that, we changed our shirt and walk through at the mini zoo in that water park. The animals that we see in that zoo is the first one is the big fierce tough tiger swimming around the pool in it cage, the beautiful white horse, beautiful birds and many more beautiful animals there. 

That was the last activity my schoolmates and i at that awesome waterpark. Then, we pack our bag and get ready to go back to our home with the bus. That was the happiest memory that i would never forget. I hope that i can go to the awesome Lost World Of Tambun Water Park again with my family.